Embracing You Meditation
When you consider being connected with all parts of you, do you wish you could achieve that or want to move away from it because there are parts that you don’t like? It’s likely a combination of both. Your soul knows that all of you is worthy of love and connection, yet your socially conditioned rules of engagement believes that nothing good is going to come of those parts of you that are not generally accepted in society. Such as the part of you that is moved to tears in both joy and sorrow. Have you ever notice how often people apologize for feeling to the point of expression? Or, maybe it’s the part of you that is really good at setting firm boundaries, but you have been condemned for doing this and labeled a bitch? Women often get ridiculed for such behavior, but it’s basic human self-care. Here’s the thing: All parts of you are actually trying to help you in some ways. When you’re in good connection with all parts, you are better able to experience self-acceptance and create more aligned action as a whole. The meditation uses Solfeggio frequencies to deepen your integration with all parts of you. You will transform your relationship with all parts of you through this experience!
Straight to Your Heart Meditation
The idea of deepening into your heart sounds so good, doesn’t it? Yet, you experience a certain level of resistance when actually doing it AND living from your heart. Resistance can look like needing to finish everything on your To-Do list, before getting to your heart. Or, maybe you mean to get to it, but an urge for a Netflix binge pulls you in. Sometimes we need help getting to the most important things, like you! That’s what this meditation and companion workbook were designed to help you with. The meditation uses binaural beats, Theta waves and Solfeggio frequencies to help you relax and connect with your heart while the workbook offers in depth reflection questions curated to help you become more aligned with your heart. You will transform your relationship with your own heart through this experience!
Note: To take full advantage of the binaural beats, be sure to listen with headphones or earbuds.