Sounds lovely doesn’t it?
Radiantly basking in a self healing glow… hair whipping on horse back…stepping into our divine feminine.
But, what the fuck does divine feminine even mean?
This isn’t just another workshop with floofy words and yoga mats! Our healing journeys take courage, stamina, tenderness, anger and… some humor?
In this first workshop of the Wild Feminine Series we will be doing some spring cleaning of our self concept. We will be diving into topics such as:
What is your inner divine feminine and masculine, and how has it formed your self concept?
What old shit do you carry in your thoughts, patterns, and beliefs that you need to let go of?
How about that nagging voice in your head that likes to judge you, make you feel guilty, or tells you you’re not good enough?
Let’s not forget the horses. Our amazing little herd will be present to hold space, work through exercises, and be a mirror to show you exactly what it is that you need to know about yourself.
(This is not a riding or horsemanship skills workshop and no experience is needed. There will likely be no hair whipping photo ops on the horses.)
These workshops are designed to be taken in order but can also be taken completely on their own.
My co-facilitator for this workshop is Kayla Richards. She has worked with horses her entire life, and professionally she has been a trainer and riding instructor for the last ten years. She loves that horses have a way of showing us exactly what we need to know about ourselves and that they seem to magically help us heal.
Contact me for more details and for pricing!